Member of the Bulgarian Society of Nutrition and Dietetics.
Bachelor’s degree in kinesitherapy from the Ruse University Angel Kanchev (2004);
Master’s degree with specialization “Therapeutic effects with kinesitherapy in metabolic syndrome”, NSA “Vasil Levski” (2004 – 2005);
Courses in su-jok, Thai massage, Yumeiho therapy, Pilates Reformer, yoga with mantra practices and more.
stimulation of physical activity from the earliest childhood;
prevention of chronic hypodynamics in adulthood.
Here’s what Theodor says about his concept:
For me as a specialist, the main thing is the relationship between man and nature. The possibility of movement, stay or experience in it. The use of different aspects of the natural environment – such as climatic effects, marine, forest or mountain environments, mineral waters, etc., have been main aspects in my practice.
Over the years of my professional career, I have had the opportunity to support and encourage people of different age groups to improve their physical activity and strengthen their general health.
I believe in a holistic approach to health that addresses patterns of eating, movement, mindset and perception of the world around us.
He started his practice as a kinesitherapist in Spain (2005);
Sports teacher at the International School of Yoga and Energy Therapy in Dharamshala, Himalayas, India (2005);
Rehabilitator in the Department of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation at MOBAL “Dr. Stefan Cherkezov” AD, Veliko Tarnovo (2006);
Therapist and fitness instructor at the spa center of the Grand Hotel Yantra, Veliko Tarnovo (2006);
Head of the Dieli Weight Optimization Center in Balchik (2006) and Bansko (2007);
One of the founders of the LuckyFit Healthy Lifestyle Program (2008), who manages its activities until 2016;
One of the founders of Ayurveda Clinic – Bansko (2015), the first Indian center to apply the healing methods of Ayurveda in Bulgaria, and its manager until 2017.
One of the founders of Ayurveda Clinic – Sofia (2017) – works consecutively as a manager (until December 2017) and associate of the Indian doctors (2017 – 2021);
Lecturer in numerous seminars and trainings on healthy living, health optimization and safe working environment in the office.

Bachelor’s degree in management and organization of tourist activities, College of Tourism, Blagoevgrad (2010).
Mountain hikes.

She graduated with a degree in Bulgarian Folk Choreography from SWU Neofit Rilski, Blagoevgrad.
Lecturer in Bulgarian folk dances since 1997;
Part-time lecturer at the Community Center “N. Vaptsarov 1894 ”, Bansko;
Artistic director of the dance group “Banski fukli”, Bansko;
Leader of children’s groups for learning modern and characteristic dances;
Choreographer of the folklore ensemble “Razlozhki Meraci”, Razlog.

He has been practicing yoga since the age of 12 under the spiritual guidance of Swami Chidananda Saraswati, Society of Divine Life, Rishikesh, India;
Completes a course on maintaining good general health, organized by the Bihar School of Yoga in Munger (Bihar), India (2007);
Passes a 3-year SANYASA yoga course under the direct guidance of Swami Niranjanananda Saraswati (2012-2015);
He studies various yogic practices: hatha yoga, raja yoga, karma yoga, kundalini yoga, kriya yoga, mantra yoga, nada yoga, laya yoga and Vedic rituals for harmonizing and balancing energy; chakras.
Conducts yoga courses and themed concerts in Timisoara and Bucharest (Romania) for the Rabindranath Tagore Cultural Center Association (2015);
He visited spiritual guides and yogis in the Himalayas, with whose help he deepened his knowledge and improved his skills in practicing yoga (May 2015 – January 2016).
Yoga instructor in the LuckyFit and Ayurveda program – Bansko since 2017.

Graduated from secondary education in 2004. PMG “Acad. Ivan Gyuzelev”, Gabrovo
Graduated medicine 2010. at the Medical University of Sofia
Specialties: Internal Medicine and Cardiology.
Experience in cardiology. Ability to work in a cardiology intensive care unit, ward and cardiology office. Ability to conduct Transthoracic Echocardiography, Cycle ergometric test and 24-hour Holter ECG monitoring.
Participation in clinical studies in cardiology and scientific projects in physiology – Role of neuronal nitric oxide synthase in the regulation of plasma renin activity and renal excretory function in spontaneously hypertensive rats, project to the Council for
Medical Sciences
He speaks English and German.
Member of:
– Bulgarian Cardiology Society
– Bulgarian Society of Electrocardiostimulation
– EACVI Club 35 of the European Society of Cardiology
– Bulgarian Society of Physiological Sciences
1. Lyutov G, Chakalov I. Role of nitric oxide, produced by nNOS in the regulation of water and electrolyte excretion in spontaneously hypertensive rats. Pharmacologyonline 2008; 2: 543-549.
2. Chakalov I, Lyutov G. Urinary magnesium and calcium excretion after neuronal nitric oxide synthase inhibition in normotensive and spontaneously hypertensive rats. Pharmacologyonline 2009; 1: 937-943.
3. Bo. Atzev, Yo. Dzhumean, G. Lyutov and D. Vasenska. Acute double vessel myocardial infarction from the territory of the left anterior descending artery and the right coronary artery, complicated by dissection of left main coronary artery. Bulgarian cardiology 2015; 58-
Lectures and public presentations in within scientific medical forums:
1. Lyutov G., I. Chakalov: Plasma renin activity after selective and nonselective nitric oxide synthase inhibition in spontaneously hypertensive rats. 8th International Congress of medical sciences (ICMS), Sofia, 7-9 May 2009
2. Ninov K., T. Marinov, G. Lyutov, V. Melnikov, V. Boiadjieva, T. Spiriev, L. Laleva, Y. Enchev: Surgical treatment of degenerative diseases of cervical spine. 7th International Congress of medical sciences (ICMS), Sofia, 8-11 May 2008.
3. Marinov T., G. Lyutov, V. Melnikov, K. Ninov, V. Boiadjieva, T. Spiriev, L. Laleva, Y. Enchev: Degenerative changes of cervical spine. Clinical study of 72 operated cases. 7th International Congress of medical sciences (ICMS), Sofia, 8-11 May 2008.
4. Chakalov I., G. Lyutov: Magnesium and calcium excretion after neuronal nitric oxide synthase inhibition in normotensive and spontaneously hypertensive rats. 7th International Congress of medical sciences (ICMS), Sofia, 8-11 May 2008.
5. Lyutov G., I Chakalov: Role of nitric oxide, produced by nNOS in the regulation of water and electrolyte excretion in spontaneously hypertensive rats. 7th International Congress of medical sciences (ICMS), Sofia, 8-11 May 2008.
6. Ivanova Ts., I. Chakalov., G. Lyutov: Renal magnesium and phosphate excretion in unilaterally nephrectomized spontaneously hypertensive rats after NO-synthase inhibition. 9 th National Congress of Bulgarian Society of Physiological Sciences, Blagoevgrad, 9-11 November 2007.
7. Lyutov G., I Chakalov: Effects of AT1 receptor blockade and nitric oxide synthase inhibition on the fast oscillations of interbeat-interval in spontaneously hypertensive rats. Jubilee Scientific Conference, Trakia University-Stara Zagora, 27-29 September 2007.
8. Lyutov G.: Effects of AT1 receptor blockade and nitric oxide synthase inhibition on the urine flow rate and sodium excretion in spontaneously hypertensive rats. 6 th International Congress of of medical sciences (ICMS), Sofia, 10-13 May 2007.
9. Lyutov G., I. Uzunova, S. Galeva, V. Dermendzhieva, I. Ivanov: Antioxidant properties of MIF-1 peptide against hydroxyl radical generated in vitro. 5th International Congress of medical sciences (ICMS), Sofia, 11-14 May 2006.