Dear participants,
As LuckyFit is a group (not an individual) program,
the condition for its proper running and achieving maximum effect
is compliance with the following rules:

  1. The presence of all participants of the Lucky Fit program in the meeting is mandatory. The meeting takes place on the day of check-in at Aparthotel Lucky Bansko SPA & Relax (the time and place will be communicated to you by a reception employee). The attendance requirement applies to new and previous participants.
  2. Adherence to the daily schedule according to the program – mealtimes, medical examinations, weight measurement, sports activities, massage procedures.

    Please inquire about the exact time and type of activities each day. You can find the daily schedule in written form at the hotel’s reception or you can ask Mr. Kordev.

  3. All participants must follow the requirements of the program during the entire stay at the hotel in order to achieve a good effect.
  4. Adherence to the diet specified in the program.

    The effectiveness of the program is related to the specific diet. It is not acceptable to have additional intake of food and drinks.

  5. The sports activities of the program are part of the overall approach to reducing weight and stress. Participation in hikes, gymnastics, dances is mandatory. When conducting these activities, please keep in mind that the program is conducted in a group.
  6. Caution is required and Mr. Kordev’s instructions must be followed during the hikes. If you receive a recommendation from the doctor or Mr. Kordev that your participation in the hikes is contraindicated for a certain reason, please comply with the recommendation and refrain from participating in the hikes.
  7. The laundry service is free only for clothes used in the program. Please, describe the clothes to be washed in the laundry sheet, by entering the number and type of clothes, as well as the number of the room in which you are staying. If the laundry left is not sports, it will be charged as an amount to your room according to the laundry price list.
  8. Please inform the program manager or reception staff of any health problem or discomfort that occurs as a result of the program, as well as of circumstances related to normal participation in the activities.

We wish you a pleasant, efficient, energizing and relaxing vacation!

Lucky Fit Program Manager:
Teodor Kordev

Make your reservation
